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Helen Steadman mainly writes historical fiction set in the north east of England. She recently completed her fifth book, Solstice, the final part of the Newcastle Witch Trials trilogy. The series was inspired by a little-known witch hunt where fifteen women and one man were hanged in 1650, resulting in one of the largest mass executions of witches on a single day in England.
Helen enjoys carrying out in-depth research, and to help her get under the skins of the cunning women in her witches trilogy, she trained in herbal medicine. Prior to writing The Running Wolf, which tells the tale of the Shotley Bridge swordmakers who defected from Germany in 1687, she trained in blacksmithing and made her own sword.
After voyaging around the Farne Islands, Helen is completing a novel about the life of Grace Darling, the heroic daughter of a nineteenth-century Northumbrian lighthouse keeper. She is also still grappling with the goddess of love in a Greek myth retelling about Aphrodite.